The past few months have proven to be very challenging for both Noodle and myself. Shortly after my last post I injured my back and was unable to sit at the computer for some time. It was rather frustrating as I was about to open our website and I was knocked out most of the time with my meds. I am doing much better now, and barring any other unforeseen circumstances; we will be opening this month.
Noodle continues to do poorly, especially over the past several weeks. A few days ago I mixed up a new salve for him, and I have put him back on the supplements that he had been on previously. He has not responded at all to any of the antibiotics that he has been on, and if things do not improve soon, I will have to consider putting him to sleep. As difficult as that will be for me, I have to take his well being into consideration first. He has fought a long, hard battle for more than 2-1/2 years now. Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a measurable difference in his demeanor. He has become very uncooperative in taking his meds, and letting me tend to him. He seems to be very weary of it all, quite understandably, and seems to have lost his will to live. The only time he seems happy is when I rock him and sing to him (even though these days I only croak like a toad.) He has been in his hat for the better part of the last 3 months, but that doesn’t seem to bother him much and he is very cooperative in putting it on. The salve seems to be helping the wounds, but whether they stay away after they are completely healed is another matter. At this point I am cautiously optimistic, but preparing myself emotionally in the event I have to make the difficult decision to euthanize him. I’m crying as I type this, so I know it won’t be easy if it comes to that. It never is. Your prayers for him would be so much appreciated.
Reggie, Misty, Katie, and Max are all doing well. Max has been sweetly standing watch over Noodle and seems very concerned with him. Misty continues to do well from her strokes, although she has some residual effects from them. However she is able to be outside again, which makes her very happy. She spends about half her time inside, but still doesn’t want anything to do with the other cats. Every now and then she will get a toy and start playing with it like she wants to interact with them, but as soon as they approach to play, she lets out a vicious hiss and that’s the end of that. Reggie and Misty took a little bunny under their wing and Reggie refused to come in, even on the cold nights, and would sleep with the bunny cuddled next to him in the thicket by the pond. I was so surprised to see that Misty slept with the bunny too! Imagine that!I named it Autumn Hope, and we started caring for it. Later I discovered that it was a boy, so in hindsight I guess that wasn’t an appropriate name for him. After a few weeks Autumn, would come running to me when I called and look up at me as if to say “I’m so happy to see you!” It wasn’t long before he let me pet him. We checked around the neighborhood, to see if anyone had lost their rabbit to no avail, so someone must have released their pet. We have had a few foreclosures in our neighborhood, so he could have come from one of them. I contacted a rabbit rescue and they said he most likely would not survive outside since he was a domestic rabbit. Unfortunately, they did not have an opening to take him. I called around and found two vets that were willing to take him in. One of them was looking for a girl as a companion to one of her rabbits, and the other one rescued animals. I didn’t know if he was a male or female at that point and I wasn’t familiar with handling rabbits, so I made an appointment with the first vet, hoping that it would be a little girl and that she would have a permanent home. Getting him there was quite a feat. I got a kennel ready for him and started putting food in it to coax him in. I was delighted that he went right in and made arrangements to take him in the next day. After 2-1/2 hours of playing chase, I gave up and the vet and I agreed to try again the next day. I wasn’t aware that rabbits lied down on their sides stretched out like a cat, but I sure learned that they did that day! After playing chase the rabbit for a while, Autumn would sprawl out on the deck and look up at me as if to say “I’m not going anywhere!" It was quite comical although I became less amused as the game continued. I finally decided that I would have to pick him up to get him in the kennel, so while I was petting him, I quickly grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and scooped my hands under his hind legs and placed him inside. He retreated to the corner and sat there shaking. I felt like such a heel! I kept checking on him during the ride to the vets and tried to pet and soothe him once we were there. Unfortunately, as you know, he turned out to be a boy, so off we went to the second vet where he was quickly settled in and I was able to say my goodbyes. The next day, I checked in on him, and they had treated his ear mites, neutered him and contacted a rabbit rescue. They will make sure that he gets a good home where he can be properly looked after. I really miss the sweet little guy and the ray of sunshine that he brought to my life, but we could not possibly take on another animal at this time. I know whoever adopts him will get a very sweet bunny that will fill their lives with happiness. Reggie in particular was not too happy for a while, having lost his little friend but he is doing better now. I will be selling some bunny t-shirts on Bonanzle shortly, and half of the profits will go to the vet that took him in to help with his expenses and her rescue efforts of other animals. If you come across an abandoned rabbit, please check with a bunny rescue for proper care and handling, as they are delicate creatures.Thank you for your continued support and prayers and have a very Happy, Healthy 2009!
Happy New Year,
Suzy & The Babies
Noodle continues to do poorly, especially over the past several weeks. A few days ago I mixed up a new salve for him, and I have put him back on the supplements that he had been on previously. He has not responded at all to any of the antibiotics that he has been on, and if things do not improve soon, I will have to consider putting him to sleep. As difficult as that will be for me, I have to take his well being into consideration first. He has fought a long, hard battle for more than 2-1/2 years now. Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a measurable difference in his demeanor. He has become very uncooperative in taking his meds, and letting me tend to him. He seems to be very weary of it all, quite understandably, and seems to have lost his will to live. The only time he seems happy is when I rock him and sing to him (even though these days I only croak like a toad.) He has been in his hat for the better part of the last 3 months, but that doesn’t seem to bother him much and he is very cooperative in putting it on. The salve seems to be helping the wounds, but whether they stay away after they are completely healed is another matter. At this point I am cautiously optimistic, but preparing myself emotionally in the event I have to make the difficult decision to euthanize him. I’m crying as I type this, so I know it won’t be easy if it comes to that. It never is. Your prayers for him would be so much appreciated.
Reggie, Misty, Katie, and Max are all doing well. Max has been sweetly standing watch over Noodle and seems very concerned with him. Misty continues to do well from her strokes, although she has some residual effects from them. However she is able to be outside again, which makes her very happy. She spends about half her time inside, but still doesn’t want anything to do with the other cats. Every now and then she will get a toy and start playing with it like she wants to interact with them, but as soon as they approach to play, she lets out a vicious hiss and that’s the end of that. Reggie and Misty took a little bunny under their wing and Reggie refused to come in, even on the cold nights, and would sleep with the bunny cuddled next to him in the thicket by the pond. I was so surprised to see that Misty slept with the bunny too! Imagine that!I named it Autumn Hope, and we started caring for it. Later I discovered that it was a boy, so in hindsight I guess that wasn’t an appropriate name for him. After a few weeks Autumn, would come running to me when I called and look up at me as if to say “I’m so happy to see you!” It wasn’t long before he let me pet him. We checked around the neighborhood, to see if anyone had lost their rabbit to no avail, so someone must have released their pet. We have had a few foreclosures in our neighborhood, so he could have come from one of them. I contacted a rabbit rescue and they said he most likely would not survive outside since he was a domestic rabbit. Unfortunately, they did not have an opening to take him. I called around and found two vets that were willing to take him in. One of them was looking for a girl as a companion to one of her rabbits, and the other one rescued animals. I didn’t know if he was a male or female at that point and I wasn’t familiar with handling rabbits, so I made an appointment with the first vet, hoping that it would be a little girl and that she would have a permanent home. Getting him there was quite a feat. I got a kennel ready for him and started putting food in it to coax him in. I was delighted that he went right in and made arrangements to take him in the next day. After 2-1/2 hours of playing chase, I gave up and the vet and I agreed to try again the next day. I wasn’t aware that rabbits lied down on their sides stretched out like a cat, but I sure learned that they did that day! After playing chase the rabbit for a while, Autumn would sprawl out on the deck and look up at me as if to say “I’m not going anywhere!" It was quite comical although I became less amused as the game continued. I finally decided that I would have to pick him up to get him in the kennel, so while I was petting him, I quickly grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and scooped my hands under his hind legs and placed him inside. He retreated to the corner and sat there shaking. I felt like such a heel! I kept checking on him during the ride to the vets and tried to pet and soothe him once we were there. Unfortunately, as you know, he turned out to be a boy, so off we went to the second vet where he was quickly settled in and I was able to say my goodbyes. The next day, I checked in on him, and they had treated his ear mites, neutered him and contacted a rabbit rescue. They will make sure that he gets a good home where he can be properly looked after. I really miss the sweet little guy and the ray of sunshine that he brought to my life, but we could not possibly take on another animal at this time. I know whoever adopts him will get a very sweet bunny that will fill their lives with happiness. Reggie in particular was not too happy for a while, having lost his little friend but he is doing better now. I will be selling some bunny t-shirts on Bonanzle shortly, and half of the profits will go to the vet that took him in to help with his expenses and her rescue efforts of other animals. If you come across an abandoned rabbit, please check with a bunny rescue for proper care and handling, as they are delicate creatures.Thank you for your continued support and prayers and have a very Happy, Healthy 2009!
Happy New Year,
Suzy & The Babies