Since my last update, things have gone downhill for Noodle. He developed multiple nodules around the last one that developed in his lower quadrant, and one is about the size of a small orange again. Yesterday it started draining through one of the surrounding areas, which gave me some hope that it won't entail another operation, but today it is unproductive. I am going to try warm compresses tomorrow to try and get it draining again, and I'm keeping a close eye on things for any signs of trouble. He is sedated and resting comfortably with his boo boo bear right now, and I expect he will sleep through the night. I'm feeling a bit blue, because it seems that no matter what I do, we just cannot get this infection to go away. It just breaks my heart, and I feel like I have completely failed him. As always he remains my brave little soldier, as sweet as ever, snuggling up against me and purring as I tend to his wounds. I will try and get some new pictures up soon of him for you.
I have been busy loading products into our website, and at long last, we should be opening next week. Currently, we have a booth at Bonanzle.com, a very warm and friendly community filled with many unique products. You can find a wide array of things such as beautiful quality throw pillows, from Cabana Lolita's Booth, exquisite children's clothing from Canada at South Hampton Creations and authentic designer fashions & accessories from Upscale Resales Booth. We have added a line of quality pet fashions to our booth, and you will find many of the craft books that we carried while we were on eBay. Bonanzle has grown so much in such a short time, and you owe it to yourself to check it out. Hope to see you on the boards!
Misty continues to do well, and spends more time indoors than she does outside. She has gotten very playful with me, but not with the other cats. I'm beginning to think it's a lost cause. She's long forgotten any tender moments shared with Katy on the trip home from Kentucky. Reggie can't quite make up his mind whether he wants to be friends with the little ones or not. One minute he's sweet to them and the next he's hissing at them. Poor babies just don't know what to think!
Max is still obsessed with the bathroom sink. He has now taken to bringing his toys and anything else that catches his fancy into the bathroom and placing them in the sink. My sink now looks like his toy box! I've come to the conclusion that he is trying to entice the water to come out of the faucet to play, as he is quite fascinated with it when I wash my hands. He also takes the bars of soap and puts them in the sink. Never a dull moment at our house! He recently learned how to play fetch from Katie, and will bring back the ball or wad of paper endlessly like a little puppy! They are both so cute! Katie is still nursing on herself. At this point, I'm beginning to think that she will never wean herself; she certainly shows no signs of it anyway!Well, that’s all the news from our camp. I hope you'll stop by and see us at Bonanzle and also our new shop when we open next week!
Wishing you all the best,
Suzy & The Babies
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