Well that wasn't too bad. The storms bark was a lot worse than it's bite Thank God. This new hurricane just looks so bad. it's already up to a Cat 4, and once it hits the Gulf of Mexico it's probably only going to get stronger. I just feel so terribly bad for the people of Louisiana and Texas. How ironic is this that it is falling on the anniversary of Katrina? In all my years, I've never seen the weather this bad. If its not one thing its another! It seems like there is just no place safe to live anymore. My prayers are with you folks!
Noodle is resting comfortably in his bed with his new Halloween snuggly. He may not be ready for his herbal bath, but boo boo bear is going in the washer tonight! Poor little guy is looking pretty raggedy after almost two years of snuggling with Noodle. I hope you enjoy the babies new pictures. Misty and Reggies didn't come out well, so I will have to try and get some more later. Have a lovely holiday weekend!
Suzy & The Babies
Aw mommy, can't I go out to play? I'm soooooooo bored!
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