Noodle is continuing to recover. He still has multiple areas draining and a number of large lumps remain under the skin. New ones do not seem to be developing and I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will make a full recovery. They are running more lab work on him, but all the results will not be in for about two weeks. We were concerned about his kidney function with all of the meds that he has been on for such a long period, but those results are in and I am happy to report just fine. All of his blood work came back good, except that he is slightly anemic which is not unusual given all that he has been through. I made up a special formula that I have used in the past to boost his system and also started him on Primal Defense and Perfect Food. These seem to have made a big difference as he has been more active, and seems to have significantly less pain for the past few days. He continues to be as sweet and lovable as ever and is quite protective of little Katie. I am posting some new pictures for you of them along with some of Misty and Reggie as they were feeling quite left out :). Reggie has accepted Katie and bumps her in the head when he comes in to greet her. I won't hold my breath with Misty however. If she had her way she would be mommies one and only! Maggie's arrival has been delayed until mid-August, but we are looking forward to welcoming her into our home. I am going to need to sell a lot of books in the next month to meet Noodle's bills and I hope that you will share this page with your crafting friends to see if I might have something of interest to them. I have a number of dolls that I am preparing for auction too and should have them up by next week. There are some really darling ones, just perfect for reborning or play. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you for your support of my auctions and your prayers for Noodle's recovery. I could not have done this without you. Many blessings to you all!
Warm Wishes,
Here are more pictures of the babies:
Sharing secrets
Miss Katie grooming Noodle
Miss Katie with Noodle
Do I have to take a nap?
Sir Reginald
Sir Reginald & Her Royal Highness Miss Misty
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