Update On Noodle 6/6/2007

I took Noodle in for a check-up this afternoon. The areas shown in the previous pictures have healed very nicely, but I could still feel lumps under the skin in the area of the new wound that he had developed. Over the past two days I could tell that he was not feeling well, and one of the lumps has doubled in size. Dr. Skandera aspirated some fluid from it and did not like the abnormal cells she saw under the microscope. Although we were both hesitant about having him go through a third operation, given her findings we both felt it would be best to remove the growths and have them sent to the lab, as the problem seems to be spreading. He will be having surgery tomorrow afternoon and I would be grateful for your prayers for his full recovery. Usually the first week after surgery is pretty rough and I may not be able to answer questions as quickly as usual. Rest assured however that your packages will continue to go out on time. Thank you all for your support and well wishes and have a lovely day!

Warm Regards,
Suzy & Noodle

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