Goodbye Fay!

Well, we skirted another one! Tropical storm Fay passed us by without any problems much to our relief. I'll sure be glad when December arrives and the 2008 hurricane season is over. Others were not as lucky and our hearts go out to all the families that have been and continue to be affected by her. She sure doesn't show any signs of dying out anytime soon and she may even make it back into the Gulf of Mexico! Enough already Fay!

Not much new with the babies since my last update. Noodle is still recovering from the nodules, with a few new outbreaks on his tummy. I have been waiting for them to stop draining and close up so I can give him a nice soothing herbal bath. On second thought, knowing cats and water, I'm not so sure how soothing it will be for either one of us. I think a nail trimming is in order! :)

I started a new Blog today called "What's Ticking Me Off Today" to vent my current displeasure's of the world. I hope you'll stop by and have a look. I have set up moderation on all of my blogs to prevent spamming and to keep it "family friendly" if you know what I mean, but please feel free to post your comments.

Thanks for keeping up with us and have a lovely day.

Kind Regards,
Suzy & The Babies

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