Update On Noodle 10/25/2007

At long last we finally have the test results back! Noodle has a mycobacterial infection, the kind contracted through soil and water. It is a particularly nasty infection to deal with and quite difficult to clear up. Unfortunately, it also thrives in fat, which my baby has an abundance of! Of the three types that he could have, I feel fortunate that it is this one. He will need to be on meds for a minimum of 7 months to a year and he needs a sensitivity test to make sure he is getting the right antibiotics. The past 6 weeks have been very trying as this was the worst that it has flared up and I sincerely apologize to all my friends for neglecting their emails. I have been overwhelmed with caring for Noodle, getting listings up to pay his bills, as well as inundated with a multitude of other problems during this time. He is doing much better now and his tummy has once again finally cleared up! I can feel more lumps developing though, so I don't think it will be for long, but they are certainly decreasing in number and size. We just returned from Kentucky, where he enjoyed a little getaway with Max and Katie and I brought back a number of boxes of dolls, books, doll clothes and baby clothes that I had up there that I will be listing over the next several months. I'm afraid I won't reach my goal of paying the medical bills off by the end of the year, given his expenses over the past few months, but I am hopeful that they will be paid off by next summer. I will have new pictures up this week of Noodle, Katie & Max. The babies have grown so much and Noodle seems to be losing some of the extra weight that he put on during his recovery from being so inactive. We are all very tired from the long trip home and the babies are sure happy to be out of their kennel! I hope all of you had a lovely Thanksgiving and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! As always, thank you for your kind bids and helping me to save Noodle!

Warm Wishes,
Suzy & The Babies

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