Update On Noodle 10/21/2007

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last updated Noodle's page. I have been sick and Noodle had a major setback shortly after his last update. When my husband came home from work Noodle bolted out the door before my husband could stop him. Poor man must have been searching for hours before coming in to wake me up to tell me. I got a bag of dry food and shook it and called for him and he came right away. Judging from his appearance I would venture to say that he had been rolling around in the dirt, one of his favorite pastimes! Unfortunately, he had a few small nodules rupture the day before and now he has a very bad infection again. I am just crushed because he was doing so well. He is back in his hat and baby shirts and on 5 medications. We're still waiting on the DNA results, which should be back in mid-November. My niece Bridgette, recently moved in with us and Noodle likes to snuggle with her at night. Max just adores her too and is quite demanding of her attention. Katie is still a "Mama's girl" and my lap baby. The kittens have grown so much! Katie weighs over 7 pounds now and Max is almost 6 pounds. They are both just a bundle of energy, especially Max! I am starting to feel better and will post some new pictures as soon as I can. As always my heartfelt thanks goes out to all of you for your interest in my auctions and your kind letters of support and donations. Many blessings to you all!
Warm Wishes,
Suzy & The Babies

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